022 - Computer Science: Data Processing and Centralized Computing

2 years ago

Hello everybody,

In this video I discuss the term data processing, what it means, and what period in computing history was characterized by data processing. I also talk a little bit about the types of digital computers that were used in the early days of computation #computerhistory #computer #computers

Have a wonderful day,


Copyright notice: CC-BY Nathan Tonning This video is produced under a creative commons with attribution license. You are free to use it, share it or remix it into something goofy. Just make sure that you share your creation with me; I'd love to see it!

Lecture Notes on my Computer Science Github Repository:

Video recording information:
Microphone: Audio-Technica AT2020

Audio Interface: Scarlett 2i2

Camera: Logitech C922

Recording Software: Open Broadcaster Software (OBS )

Video Editing: Blender https://www.blender.org/

PDF Viewer: Okular https://okular.kde.org/

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