Cybernetic Porkypine - Vikings Of Blues - Remastered

2 years ago

Cybernetic Porkypine - Vikings Of Blues (Remastered)
In spring of 2020 the lyrics for this song was written as follows: Don't stick it in me, stick in you, my blood is ME, set me free. The title "Cybernetic Porkypine" was written in August 2020. The video was uploaded on 30.12.20 as a warning and released as single in summer of 2021. Mainstream media withheld this song from public out of fear that it would keep people from getting the poisoning injections. And also the harmful brainshot PCR-sticks. However countries throughout Europe have been spinning the song on radio stations and interviews have been given to warn about this attack for and on human souls. This is a spiritual war and is a war for our souls especially of the children and teenagers. Imagine you have a direct brainwave voice telling you every day every second of your life what you must and cannot do. The perfect slave the perfect prison. Free will gone.. The perfect hell. Just whatever happens stay without sticks in your body or sticking anything into it. Keep your blood, clean, that is who you are your blood is your water your own DNA. Your blood is holy is YOU that is where your DNA gets it's energy from and your third eye needs to be free otherwise your DNA will not take your creative thoughts and ideas and your blood cannot streamline energy and provide it with healthy good vibes... Vikings Of Blues came together in November 2019 and have written over 30 songs of warning of explaining what is going on in the world and with every song you will receive a soulution along in the lyrics and in the music video clips there are plenty of useful images to understand and figure out a way to stay safe and saved. Just by listening the remastered songs you will whatever you did to yourself receive healing vibes. We recommend listening to the remastered songs and to share them amongst each other. You can have the music from us at any time or if you prefer different style of music ask so you will receive links from others who work with the same healing energy in their music as we have. In June 2020 the EP "Magic Waters" was released the positive beneficial power of uploading water with good energy has been proven by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist. The Color Of Indigo is your pineal gland third eye that creates either good or bad things in your life according to how you think, feel and speak. Is all forms of vibrations that resonate together with your instrument your body is your temple. Humans are designed in YHWE's image therefore we got the gift to create which other "harmful or negatively possessed beings" can't they can only copy, paste, destroy, delete. It's the spark of life and no cybernetic AI can or ever will achieve such wonders of life. No cyber AI shot into you can ever create anything more wonderful than a baby, a sun, the sea, a tree that breathes out fresh air for us to enjoy... So remember the power of man&woman is the highest form of love it can even create a human being!!! Value cherish and wait for your soulmate for true love. Stay loyal together and say No to any lies by mafia doctors, puppet politicians that are put into order by the elites and to any weird mandates such as wearing masks that harm more than do good - or has any condom made out of cloth worked too? These mandates come from military that work with MK-Ultra, Memphis Kult, to program us since childbirth onwards into believing we are only little small things that need to live life by comparing ourselves to ridiculous idols that turn out to be more enslaved than the average Joe from the block. They have been splitting men&woman for over 2000 years. Is real power of love. So stay away from Bloody Rock&Roll is a cheap trick to lure you into the agenda by following fake idols (MK-Ultra slaves). The album "Soul Food" with Cybernetic Porkypine on it as well, was released on April 5 in 2021. Over 8 radio singles have been air played worldwide on radio stations from GB, USA, AUS, SA and across Europe. And for those who still have doubts about our Father, YHWE and does he have a son called Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Immanuel? Well, the title of the album is "Soul Food" and with all the creepy crawlers hitting our food supply stores now you might really wanna try to pray together and bless your food and drinks before you put them into your body. That is no sarcastic joke is a guidance and it will work if you bless your food and drink beforehand. Vikings Of Blues could not have known nothing about PCR sticks, nor about insects in food, nor that the earth would quake, nor that fear would be their biggest weapon, neither that occult Egyptland agenda (Memphis Kult MK Ultra, Gospel = Go spell, curse black ego me me me new age magic) is still everywhere and we gotta free ourselves once and for all. Vikings Of Blues are a man&woman who worked really hard, gave up so much, pulled ourselves together in order to serve humanity and give back the music to you all to help save souls, even those of people we never will meet and even those children of enemies of ours. Is for our music for everyone of us. Is pure unconditional love that we made especially with Cybernetic Porkypine. We are humble servants doing good music in the name of Jesus Christ. Did you know that when you breath in air you make the sound YH and when you breath out air you make the sound WE. Together is YHWE with every breath you take even if you are an atheist. You speak his name with every breath in and every breath out. That is our energy of life. And it is your first word ever spoken and will be your last .. The cover was designed by the singer's Godson so she will tell you now that this means is another clear message from God's son for he took care that the right warning cover image would be available for us all. Do you know who God's son is? You can speak to him anytime and ask him to show himself. And if you ever have to suffer pain then just call out his name. Then your doubts will pass and eternal love will enter your life. Keep the faith dear sisters and brothers..Remember you are and always will be a part of YHWE for his seed is in your DNA and only you have your DNA noone else has the same like your soul is only your light .. We need all lights together to make it work.. His kingdom is rising up toward 8 eternal the Second Coming ..

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