Session 5: Proving the Bible is Accurate - Part I

2 years ago

Table of Contents
00:00 - Intro
01:37 - Discussion Questions
09:48 - Test everything
11:26 - Six Steps
13:27 - Develop a Culture of Apologetics in your Home
14:12 - 1st -6th Apologetic
16:30 - One GOD or Many GODs?
18:12 - Can I trust the Bible? Where did it come from?
21:15 - The Manuscripts of New Testament
28:40 - Caesar’s Gallic Wars and Other Documents (**Notes to Neil: Thucydides time frame should be opposite)
30:51 - NT Manuscripts and Earliest Fragments
33:37 - The accuracy of the NT
45:38 - What are the changes in the NT?
50:48 - Section Quotations by early Church Fathers from the NT
54:25 - Jordan Peterson on Bible Cross-references
58:27 - Q&A 1: What language were they speaking?
59:55 - Q&A 2: How were the books of the Bible chosen?
01:01::05 - Q&A 3: Why are Apocrypha books eliminated from the Bible?
01:04::20 - Q&A 4: Polytheistic religions
01:06::38 - Q&A 5: Outside account of the Flood
01:07::40 - Q&A 6: Are there words that can’t be translated?
01:08::34 - Q&A 7: Gnostic gospels
01:10::15 - Game

(⇩⇩⇩ Check out Neil’s websites and books below ⇩⇩⇩)

➤ Websites
NoBlindFaith Website
Neil’s Books (Amazon)
Values Advocacy Website

✦Who is Agent X: Proving that Science and Logic show it is More Rational to Think God Exists
✦Jesus is involved in Politics (Why aren’t you? Why isn’t your church?)
✦40 Days Towards A More Godly Nation: Why Only Churches Can Lead the Way To a Happier, Healthier, Safer, & Mutually Prosperous
✦Who is Agent X Slides Version
✦Proving God Exists for Kids: The Mystery of the Picture: Where did the Universe come from? Did it come from Nothing? (A Young Apologist Detectives' Mystery)
(coauthored with Mary-Katherine Mammen)

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