Love and Hate (2) : Hate What God Hates

1 year ago

Unlike other kinds of love, the love that God is (God is Love remember) is not toward everything or everybody. Because it is Divine, we cannot take the love of God and apply it to what God does not love. God loves what He made, which includes the way He made it. Jesus was sent to provide mankind a way back into God's love. No, God doesn't love us the way we are in our sinful state - any more than He loves the sin that destroys us or the devil that tempts us. The Father loves who and how He is making us to be. Which is like Jesus, the Beloved.

In order to receive the greatest benefit from this short series, it would help to have read the 40th chapter of a book written by Brother Greg, originally titled World's End and now called Kingdom Come :

Pastor Nicholas

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