Is the Double Action/Single Action Pistol Obsolete?

2 years ago

Shooting three top of the line DA/SA pistols, running through various drills and pushing the pistols as hard as I can to shoot fast! The DA/SA pistol is seen by many as an old design, superseded by the striker Fired DAO pistols. Striker fired pistols give you the same trigger pull every time, they offer (in many cases) simpler designs (fewer parts, etc.) and seem to dominate the market.

The Single Action pistols (think 1911) are popular, but not as popular as the striker fired pistols. Single Action (SA) offers the best overall trigger, but requires a manual safety – a step that you have to train for – and you SHOULD train hard and regularly if you carry one of these firearms (or any that has a manual safety) at using that safety until it is AUTOMATIC.

DA/SA pistols give you a long double action first trigger pull, followed by a short single action trigger pull. The first trigger pull “cocks” the firearm, needs to be a deliberate long pull, but the payoff is a very nice short trigger pull for the next and all subsequent pulls. I LOVE DA/SA pistols for this reason.

Is DA/SA Obsolete? Not to me – what do you think?

Music provided by TeknoAxe
Remaster: Simple Metal

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