Define Your "Lawfully"

1 year ago

This is The Video From Yesterday That Wouldn't Process. Who's Law To Do You Refer ? The Criminals In "Government" ?! Here's a Little mystory, When i Was 7 Years Old, Walking a Mile by Myself To Church, Because My Parents, Mother, Especially Were Anti God People At That Time, One Of The First Things That Stuck In my Head, and Ever Since, Was Not To Mark or Brand Your Body. The Bible warns against tattoos in Leviticus 19:28 “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.” Which is the Script reference i Didn't Know Then, i just remembered That Teaching from that early age in my Life, and i Abide by It. So i'll Be Damned if i take Scriptural Advice from some Fat Ass Sleeved Out Biker Looking Dude that Thinks Everyone Else is Stupid or Ignorant but Him. Sitting Behind a Microphone Slinging His Arrows At People He's Never Met. Makes me Sick, and It Makes The Lord Sick. And Not Just Him. This Goes For Any Number of Evangelistic Preachers That Are Brainwashed Into Their Brand of "Christianity" With No Understanding or even Knowledge of The Deeper Story, Meaning, Symbolism and History Outside the Bible. That Also Use Their Interpretation Of Scripture Improperly As a Bludgeon of Judgement Upon Others. Nor Do They Take Into Account That 3/4 of The World Do Not Ascribe To Their Religion or their Interpretation or Indoctrination of a Limited Set of Scriptures.

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