Byrna TCR Sling by PU Products | Non Lethal Byrna Launcher

1 year ago

In this Installment Ryan Jeske takes a look at a new item from PU Products designed specifically for the Byrna TCR non-lethal pepper ball launcher. As non-lethal products continue to pick up steam in the self defense market, manufacturers are coming out with new products left and right. Ryan was contacted by PU Products out of Lake Havasu City right here in Arizona and they sent him one of their new Byrna TCR Slings for review.

As usual, Ryan will be honest and upfront with his findings, reporting those back to the manufacturer(s) in hopes that we continue to innovate and make amazing new accessories for the Byrna lineup.

PU Products Website:

Want to Contact Prescott Caliber Club or Ryan Jeske directly? Email us at Info@CalClub.Info Today!

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What is "Prescott Caliber Club"?
Founded in 2018 by Ryan Jeske, PCC is a Federally Licensed 07/02 SOT, Manufacturer of Firearms. Additionally we specialize in Emergency Preparedness supplies and gear in our retail store.

All Rights Reserved. NO part of this production may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted by any means or in any form, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the express written permission of Jeske Defense Strategies, LLC. For usage permission requests, email Info@CalClub.Info

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Prescott Caliber Club
PO Box 2704
Prescott, AZ 86301

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#PrescottCaliberClub #PCC #SHTF #WROL #Bugout #BugoutBag #Prepper #PrepperGear #PrepperProducts #EveryDayCarry365 #everydaycarrygear #offgrid #offgridlovers #doomsdaystore #offgrid #offgridlovers #doomsdaystore #prescottcalclub #byrna #byrnatcr #byrnalauncher #pepperball #pepperballgun

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