
2 years ago

In this episode of our paranormal podcast, we delve into the fascinating and mysterious world of premonitions and future telling. Throughout history, people have reported experiencing glimpses of events that have not yet come to pass, or receiving messages about the future through dreams, visions, or other means. Are these experiences real, or just figments of our imagination?

To help us answer these questions, we talk to a range of experts in the field, including psychics, mediums, and researchers who have studied the phenomenon of premonitions. They share their personal experiences with seeing the future, and offer insights into what may be happening when we have these kinds of visions.

We also explore some of the most famous examples of premonitions and prophecies throughout history, including Nostradamus' predictions, the prophecies of the Oracle of Delphi, and modern-day examples like the 9/11 attacks and the sinking of the Titanic. What do these events tell us about the nature of premonitions and the possibility of seeing into the future?

Throughout the episode, we examine the scientific evidence for premonitions and future telling, and consider the role of intuition, psychic ability, and the unconscious mind in these experiences. We also offer practical tips for those who may be interested in developing their own psychic abilities, or exploring the world of premonitions and future telling for themselves.

Join us for a fascinating and thought-provoking journey into the realm of the unseen, as we explore the mysteries of premonitions and future telling on this episode of our paranormal podcast.

Thanks for watching.

If you want to check out Jeremy's other Paranormal Podcast you can find him at: @ParanormalTheNewNormal

Check out Scott's Paranormal on the street interviews at:

And Debra will have her own content coming soon.

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