Dia De Los Muertos: Live from *Wake* Feel!

2 years ago

Not Big Fans of Pesky and Passionate Porn from Garden State, War-Hardened Democrats Endorse Jersey’s Sandoz Solution for Fentanyl Crisis, with APS Board Absent at the Protest March

FOB FREEDOM, February 13, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, ask “really Black” New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and he’ll tell you “I know what COVID looked like, and I know that if we didn’t have those mandates – I take my hat off to Bill de Blasio.” Ask former CIA Deputy Director Michael J. Morrell about what “went down” in Abbottabad, and he’ll say, “I know because I was there.” Well, that direct approach didn’t assist one boots on ground, eyes on the objective observer of events on January 6th, when the most junior commissioned officer to have ever served as operations officer for all U.S. Army strategic counterintelligence attempted to present testimony regarding what his Fort Huachuca trained intelligence analyst eyes saw, and, according to ARL Now reporter Joe Devoe, at a protest march “spontaneously” organized by parents in response to a recent fentanyl death at besieged Wakefield High School in Arlington, “Attendance swelled and other community members, as well as some School Board and County Board members, joined the march”, so, part Saturday Night Live’s Father Guido Sarducci and part Pharell Williams, the good rapper friend of the former Governor of Virginia, who was so inspired by the fictionlal account of what “went down” on Juneteenth, he produced a rap song, one pesky and passionate fringe independent is inviting war-hardened Arlington Democrats to take a break from the words “onslaught”, “commando” and “scorched earth” to enjoy some of that rhythmic soul music the Alt White appear to enjoy so much, while playing finda the Boarda Members in the pizza.

“It is entirely possible that I had attended the wrong protest march at the wrong Wakefield High School, and we all know how I always get tripped up on my paperwork; so that is entirely conceivable. But, to my great credit, assisted by her large name tag saying look at me while you mourn your little amigo, my little brown brother, Maureen Coffey, the Former VA Young Dems President and Arlington Civic Federation (“White Citizens’ Council”, by another name, in Arlington in the 1920s long before this woke municipality became the home of the headquarters for the American Nazi Party) Secretary, who, according to Blue Virginia, at the beginning of the year, when apparently they usually assess emerging threats from porn tab guys, decided to ‘throw her hat in the ring for Arlington County Board. Perhaps she should have contacted her opponents, Arlington NAACPs J.D. Spain, or Indivisible Arlington’s Natalie Roy, whose husband, apparently is still upset about the German Nazis stealing his sacred symbol, as a person of mixed Indian heritage, as he informed us all at the Washington-Lee Renaming Committee meetings, where only members of the White Citizens’ Council had been permitted to participate. Did the Arlington NAACP complain? No. But your man, J.D., not indicative of any legal training, promises to fight for you, if elected to the County Board. You will see her in my video, and you can ask the reporter from WTOP if I was there. We had a good convo about one of my fellow alums from W&L and about my old radio journalism days, just a ripping and a reading from the AP wire service and calling it analysis, ya know?” remarked Major Mike Webb, as he pioneers a hobby in rap music, but don’t expect any Grammy Awards.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE! https://rumble.com/vp2uk1-attorneys-need-not-apply-you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent.html.

For more on this topic, please call Major Mike Webb for Virginia at (802) HOT-RLTW, or email at mike.webb84@gmail.com.

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