s01e04 1985 - First Impression: (Pun; noun, Play on Words; 2 Meanings)

1 year ago

Ep. 04 The Victim/ Beneficiary, abandoned by both Family, so-called "Friends", The Judiciary System & The AMERICAN DREAM.
Mr. & "Mrs" Tobi and Milton "Mickey The LEFT" Lefton ~"Trustee" from NORTH STAR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Inc. of CHICAGO ILLINOIS, Lake Geneva, & Hawaii (formerly of the Debt-Loaded & Bankrupted DAVID BERG Hot Dog Co (Obama missed out) & Colombia Corned Beef Co: https://youtu.be/eZvWHaMa43k ) - was actually correct ALL ALONG...

Did you know that ChatGPT passed The BAR EXAM, THE MCAT, & Google's Coders Hiring Test ??
As we LEARNED in s01e02, (Recorded AFTER e03: lots of details I did not know as of recording this Do NOT think its for other reasons such as incompetency or mental acuity.)
it's NOT a matter of the Importance & Reasoning for both the placement & the Verbiage - IT IS THE SOLE Purpose of ARTICLE 1. ZERO Subsets leaves ZERO WiGGLE ROOM.

But, They/Them Committed Fraud with GROSS NEGLIGENCE and intentional malice.
They wrote it into the document in 1985 ( I was 14 YEARS OLD) (14) that they were going to do exactly what hey did. Have me committed, suicided, stripped of my Civil & Constitutional Rights, imprisoned (& tortured) & STRIPPED of MY WEALTH
Look who wrote the ORiGiNAL Document, who is names as successor, who wrote the "re-write" and is also named as the "successor". Talk about SELF-DEALING & CONFLiCT of INTEREST & LOYALTIES !!! Shares Torched and checks written to whom ??? Oh...

Misconduct, Fraud & Gross Negligence have ALL taken place here.
As are multiple Violations of Fiduciary Duties

Human Traffick'd, 3 years of Psychological (MkUltra) & Physical Abuse ie Buck-Breaking - Suicide Enticement/Encouragement, destroying of multiple entrepreneurial endeavors, & Stock Portfolio's.
Fir$t was Pari$ Hilton'd
Then Britney $pear'd.
Then Kanye DiVe$ted.


(Click the HD button for better legibility.)
((Rough Cut - 1 Take - Still needs to go to Post-Production for added graphics, MEMES, & Supporting Evidentiary Documents))

Your Financial "Advisor" is most likely a S-T-NIST & A MAPs $upporter/ enthusiast.
Do NOT hand them YOUR Generational Wealth !!!
My MILLION$, unbeknownst until mid-2022 due to being "mysteriously" shut out of My Mothers "Charitable" FOUNDATION, went to Gender "Affirming" Care-ChicagoHouse & ProjectREALIZE, ie. DragQueenStoryHour, Hormone Blockers for Children, Gender Dysmorphia & Children's Genital Mutilation & inability to reproduce, Rocky Mountain Institute- (https://youtu.be/oNt1JYEh-Cg) WEF/KlausSchwab/ ClintonFoundation Climate Change, SRA
#FuckLEFTY #NsDivest.US #RainMaker #KaiserSoZai

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