Stuart Neil Special Forces - Experiencer & veteran

2 years ago

Stuart Neil contacted Ammach after the Channel 4 documentary - so whilst they clearly manipulated the material and made every effort to discredit people, ultimately, it has backfired, Ammach received over 300 emails in the following month, not only saying they could see what the main stream was endeavouring to do, but were very grateful that someone had put their head above the parapet, and specifically saying that they did not feel so alone any more...and much more...

So when Stuart contacted Ammach and talked about the glimmer men in relation to what Joanne had experienced in an event she experienced a black 3D human looking person that materialised out of thin air or some portal - and she recognised this to be some kind of a psy ops.

Stuart sustained brain damage and other injuries when he was caught in the blast of an IED mine in Iraq. He was in the Special Forces, and involved in a lot of covert operations, and mentions the UK Area 51 which is in Wales. Stuart has endured police raids where they have confiscated his computer, trying to isolate him as much as possible. He is step dad to a couple of older children with autism, with his partner, and he is just brilliant with them and very caring. Ammach is a platform that enables people to have a voice, and we commend all those who have the courage to come forward, and go on camera. Thanks for watching and be kind!

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