JAN 2023 - SQL Server Security by Kenneth Fisqher (@sqlstudent144)

1 year ago

I end up answering a lot of security questions in the DBA portion of my job, and because of that I've developed a few interesting tricks, and written some handy scripts to work through them. By the end of this presentation, you'll be able to generate a quick and easy entitlement report, tell what active directory groups an individual is using to connect to a given database, check to make sure that the service account can execute that stored procedure, and more.

Speaker Bio
Kenneth Fisher has worked as a database administrator and/or database developer for his entire career of over thirty years. He enjoys writing and his writing credits include a number of technical articles and SQL Server-related crossword puzzles. He also blogs incessantly at www.sqlstudies.com and is honored to be a Data Platform MVP

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