The Fall of a Toy Empire: A He-Man and The Masters of the Universe Retrospective | Part 3

3 years ago

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When Kevin Smith’s Masters of the Universe Revelation crashed and burned upon release, it was in some sense history repeating itself, because the He-Man franchise has crashed and burned before.

The most spectacular example of this was in the mid 1980s. In what felt like it happened overnight, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, and She-Ra along with them, went from being the biggest toyfranchise in the world, to simply disappearing. While it didn’t literally happen overnight, the air did go out of the ballon, and it happened unbelievable fast, as the Masters of the Universe line went from grossing 400 million in 1986, to a mere seven in 1987.

A collapse like that doesn’t just happen on its own!

We have already explored He-man’s origin and meteoric rise to fame, as well as the introduction of She-Ra, Princess of Power.

In this video, we will explore the days before the fall, as we go through the commissioning of the live action feature film, the real meaning of the Christmas Special, and finally, THE FALL. What caused it, and lessons that can be learned from it.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Four:

All things He-Man and Conan Playlist:

Additional He-Man & She-Ra artwork at 10:41, 13:09 and 13:28
by David Walch aka Zentron

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