DAILY Roundup | What happened in Ohio, Ottawa's convoy paranoia, Tory's slow-mo resignation

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David Menzies and Sheila Gunn Reid are back for this edition of the DAILY Roundup.

In case you haven't heard, there's been a train derailment in a small Ohio town, toxic fumes have been dumped into the air and ground, and the mainstream media has been kind of silent on the issue. Odd, given they constantly remind us of how much they care about the environment. So what gives? We've got a pair of Rebels headed to Ohio to investigate.
Plus, City of Ottawa officials are seeing ghosts of the Freedom Convoy everywhere, as the nation's capital makes more moves to "prevent another convoy" on the anniversary of Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act.
And finally, Toronto Mayor John Tory said he resigned... so why's he lingering around so long, wanting to oversee a budget meeting?

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