F-22 Balloon target practice, Black National Anthem at the Super bowl - And a holding penalty?

2 years ago

Today we are talking about the balloons the military seem to be using as target practice, whether there should be all this backlash about the Black national anthem at the Superbowl, and was there holding on the second to last play in the big game Sunday?

Shooting balloons out of the are... are these balloons the latest advancement in spy technology or are they just getting in the way of satellites that can see a cell phone in your hand from space? Shouldn't that be the first question you have, why would the Chinese use a balloon when they have satellites that can do the same thing and why wasn't the "remains" of the balloon, I don't know, classified (under a tarp or something) on the way back to the Carolinas?

The Black National Anthem - everyone seems to be up in arms about this. What is the big deal? I think there is something that may be inappropriate about it but it's not whether it's played before or after the actual National Anthem...

The holding play by Philly in the second to last play (I think) at the Superbowl. There are really 2 questions to be asked - Was it holding and should it have been called. I think what most people that was the hold are missing the actual penalty but most replays don't show it.

reference links:


Black National Anthem:

Holding Penalty:

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