This UFO Sighting Doesn’t Matter #ufo

2 years ago

This #ufo #ufosighting that everyone is talking about does not matter. There are much bigger issues going on. Like the #nordstreampipeline or the #hunterbidenlaptop which proves #joebiden is a foreign asset & an enemy of the #unitedstates or the #congressionalhearings regarding the #twitterfiles which basically proves that #bigtech #twitter was working with #thedeepstate #fbi to #censor #doctors & citizens over #covid #covidvacccine #covidmisinformation

so at the end of the day this #ufo #ufosighting doesn’t really matter.

#risetoliberty #risetolibertypodcast #breakyourprogramming #breakyouralgorithm #breakthealgorithm #hackthealgorithm

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