The Shield of Thy Help (Helping and Getting Help) Part 1 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

1 year ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on the Christian Responsibilities - Part 1
Feb 12 2023

The Shield of Thy Help
(Helping and Getting Help)

Text: Deuteronomy 33
Obj: that the brethren may know how and practice his virtue, and properly
Define – Help, Blessings
Bible verses – points per usage

How to Give/Get Help according to the help gotten by Israel from the Lord and Moses?
1. It Should Be According the Instruction of the Word of God – vv. 2-5 – in General to Israel
a. ‘shined forth’ – there is a source (God) and destination – v.2
b. “fiery law” – word of God – v2. Also v.3 “thy words”, v.4 law/commanded
c. “when gathered together” – v. 5 – congregation – way to get instruction
2. There is strength in number - Alive – v. 6 – to Reuben, to Asher (vv. 24-25)
a. Ask the living, not the dead, the saved not the unsaved
b. The more saved people we have, the better the help we can give/get
3. Get Close Proximity to source of Help - v.7 - to Judah
a. ‘unto his people’ – God’s people, brethren
b. Be warned of the enemies – best way to get/give help from enemies is to be with the flock
4. Make the Necessary and Acceptable Work - vv. 8-11 – to Levi
a. Holy, lawful, faithful service/work
b. Rise above the challenges – to be hated by the enemies is to be expected
5. Do it in the Safety of a Loving Relationship – v. 12 – to Benjamin
a. Trust is built when there is genuine love between those that give/get help
6. Recognize and Take Good Care of Precious things - vv. 8-11 – to Joseph (Manasseh, Ephraim)
a. Resources – but even more - Trust and People
7. Do it with Joy – vv. 18-19 – to Zebulun and Issachar
a. Whenever, wherever
b. Be happy in serving the Lord – “sacrifices of righteousness”
8. Execute Justice for All – vv. 20-21 – to Gad
a. To the one getting and giving help
b. Accept the part of God as authority with the power to harm if so needed – “tear the arm”
9. Actively Seek Help, Early – v. 22 – to Dan
a. Help from those that know the way can give you the boost/leap you need
10. Use the favor/blessing given to you to give/get Help – v. 23 – to Naphtali
a. We all have something given to us, use it also the help others

Let us know how to properly give and get help, primary from the Lord and His people
God is the best in helping, vv. 26-29

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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