Fastline President shares insight into big iron trends for 2023

2 years ago

Listen to the podcast here - - "Fastline President shares insight into big iron trends for 2023"

In this week's North American Ag Spotlight Chrissy Wozniak learns about how Fastline is evolving to serve the agriculture industry in a modern way, and about the important trends in the new and used equipment market. The President of Fastline Marketing Group Dean Barke shares his insight into where we're headed this growing season.

With more than 40 years of experience, Fastline's commitment to the agricultural industry, it's customers, and farmers is unparalleled. With Fastline Print,, and Fastline Digital, they offer integrated marketing solutions for the evolving agricultural community. Simply put, no one else has their combination of audience and wide array of marketing tools.

Learn more about Fastline at

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This episode is sponsored by Fastline - A LEADER IN FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE

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