Lorne Armstrong Calls His 13 Year Old Girlfriend, Then He Meets Chris Hansen On His Birthday!

2 years ago

Context: Lorne moved to Nashville Tennessee fleeing a fraud charge where he ripped off an old couple for 30k of construction work. He then spent an entire month chatting with 13 year old Kayla, proposing marriage to her, and planning to film them having sex. Coincidentally, the day her parents would leave her alone on vacation was Lorne's 37th birthday. Only problem is that the entire thing was a police sting operation working with the famous To Catch A Predator. He got to meet Chris Hansen on his birthday at least. He was talking to a decoy the entire time, and made some of these calls while on webcam naked.
He cried like a bitch the whole way to prison. He spent 5 years locked up. Do you think this is the last we will see of him? You think my profile and banner are Lorne themed as a joke? No, our boy will be very prevalent on this channel!!!

Newest calls from Lorne can be found here:
Jamie Amy Calls
Casey Calls
Jamie Amy Explanation Streams

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