Afterlife! Full Documentary from 2011

2 years ago

I watched this last night and wanted to share this because I went through the "shared death experience" 4 different times. I held my 6 day old daughter in the NICU as she died, and they let the drugs wear off. She opened her eyes for the first time to look at me, and spoke to me through her eyes. I was so reassured that she was going home to God. Then my father passed away. That time I was with him for days before, and he was in a coma. His breathing kept changing and stopping, but at 2 a.m. I woke Mom up to say her goodbyes. Keep in mind, he'd been in a "coma" for 2 weeks, and she curled up by his head, kissed him and said, "I love you Gerry" and he opened his eyes, turned his head and said "I love you too". She jumped off the bed because it scared us both. LOL. 3 hours later, after sitting up once and exhaling a long sigh, Mom thought he had passed, and it was about 15 minutes later before he did. I saw his soul lift up out of his body and felt his LOVE fill the entire house. It was BEAUTIFUL! Then my Mom passed, and that one was just weird, but she wanted to go. She took the morphine shot, fell asleep and we waited for 4 hours for her huge heart to stop. Then my sister. She was laying on her deathbed, and had woken up about 10 minutes before she died and said "HIII". Like she hadn't seen me in ages. She wasn't talking to me. She was talking to whomever had come to take her to Heaven. Literally. She passed with her face in my hands as I was telling her "Heaven is REAL", and before I finished the word real, she had stopped breathing. Each experience was different, yet the same. I felt the rush of LOVE all of the place. Please watch this and know, there IS something for us all after we leave this Earth.

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