How to Train Cat to use litter box -2023-toilet training.

2 years ago

Choose the right litter box: The litter box should be large enough for the cat to move around in and have high sides to prevent litter from spilling out. Also, choose a litter box that is appropriate for your cat's size and age.

Choose the right type of litter: Choose a litter that your cat will feel comfortable with. Many cats prefer unscented, fine-grained clumping litter.

Place the litter box in a quiet, accessible location: Place the litter box in a quiet location that is easily accessible to the cat. Avoid placing the litter box in a high-traffic area or in a spot that is too far away from where the cat spends most of its time.

Show the cat where the litter box is: Show the cat where the litter box is and gently place the cat in the box. You can also encourage the cat to use the box by placing it there immediately after eating or waking up from a nap.


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