Did Bishop Barron Ban TLM - Ohio Train Derailment - UFOs?

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Tuesday, February 14th, 2023 – Feast of St. Valentine

INTRO – Howdy Howdy good morning to you it is St. Valentine’s Day! What are your plans today?

Btw – please pray for my great grandma and I lost my missal please pray that I find it

And – at 15 past the hour there are a ton of stories
-Bishop Barron cancels TLM? The story is more complicated than it sounds
-UFOs spotted and shot down?
-and Ohio train derailment, why is no one talking about this?

Also – at 30 past the hour Allan Smith founder of Bishop Sheen Today is one to discuss the 7 last words of Christ on the cross

And - In the next hour we will be talking about St. Valentine and I will share with you a beautiful St. Valentine’s day poem + our fear and trembling game show

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What’s Concerning Us? – Bp Barron Bans Latin Mass? Ohio Train Derailment, toxic chemicals released! - Are there UFOs in U.S and Canada

Guest Seg. -Allan Smith with Fulton Sheen today is on to discuss the 7 last words of christ from the cross
We will have Allan Smith on every week for lent talking about one or two words of Christ from the Cross from a Sheen perspective.

Adrian Social Media
IG: @ffonze
Twitter: @AdrianFonze
Facebook: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Catholic Conversations

Rudy Social Media
IG: @ydursolrac
Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

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