How to draw cat step by step cat drawing lesion

2 years ago

w to draw a cat step by step cat drawing lesion
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to draw a cat:

Start by drawing a large oval for the cat's head.

Draw two smaller ovals for the cat's ears, and two curved lines for the cheeks.

Draw the cat's eyes and pupils. Cats have large, almond-shaped eyes.

Add a small nose and mouth to the cat's face.

Draw the cat's body by sketching a curved line from the head to the back, and then draw a slightly curved line for the belly.

Draw the cat's legs and paws. Use curved lines to create the shape of the legs and small circles for the paws.

Add the cat's tail. Use a long, curved line to create the tail shape.

Add details to the cat's face and fur. Draw the whiskers, and use short lines to create the texture of the fur.

Shade in the cat's pupils and add some shading to the fur to give it dimension.

Finally, color in the cat. Choose the colors you want for the cat's fur and use colored pencils or markers to color it in.

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