Tung Wax give away winner 🏆 🥇 🏅

2 years ago

Thanks to everyone that entered,
I hope you all have a great rest of your week
Thanks to Brad for supplying the Tung Wax Kit
Congratulations to our Winner
Jake S
Please email me your info here ----- dougmoore670@sbcglobal.net
Brad's Channels
Brads woodturning products - https://www.etsy.com/listing/834462387/wood-turning-abrasive-sanding-paste-tung

resin I use
totalboat.com or jamestowndistributors.com
Let's Resin - https://amzn.to/3gy1u5L
Code for molds/other supplies: PohlBarn4

Code for liquid/power/inks products: PohlBarn3

Sponsored by Total Boat and Jamestown Distributors
Find them here. use PROMO CODE "PohlBarnTB " for 10% off one time only !
totalboat.com or jamestowndistributors.com

Silicone Project Mat - https://www.totalboat.com/product/silicone-project-mat

Caster's choice Mica Powders - https://www.turntex.com/

Starbond Promocode - POHLBARN15

facesheild - https://amzn.to/3I4MdSP

facemask - https://amzn.to/3sTWJFZ

Outside the Barn - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeUUs5JSn33LlZjBy-9nFQ

Plug Cutting Set - https://amzn.to/2TPSMnJ

Maker Logo Coins - https://www.facebook.com/laserartbycook

Glitter from Chelly Design - https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChellyDesignsStudio

Lets Resin Sphere molds - https://amzn.to/3ukmIpz

Pearl Ex
Interference Blue - https://amzn.to/35PbmyZ

Ranger Alcohol Ink Stream - https://amzn.to/31VKtrU


Rookie Abrasives http://abrasiveshome.refr.cc/dougmoore

If you feel the need to help support my channel

5/8 Cryo Bowl Gouge - https://amzn.to/2IpgGkU

3 piece Hurricane bowl gouge set - https://amzn.to/33LWwck

sanding sealer - https://amzn.to/34H66Mk

Soap shop link mica powders - https://amzn.to/2J9xnO9

my Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/shop/thepohlbarnproductions

OB Shine Juice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taJbBmcaAZQ&t=33s

Promo code POHLBARN15

Find Us Facebook Page

Find us on Etsy

If you find the need to send me something send it to...

Pohl Barn Productions
PO Box 121
Olivet MI. 49076

Email me at

The new lathe
Nova Galaxi DVR 1644

Branding Iron

Where I get my lumber, materials and tools.
The Workbench and or LL Johnson's Lumber

Music - The Awakening by Patrick Patrikios in the Youtube Library

Please note that my channel is for entertainment purposes only. You should NOT rely solely upon the information and techniques discussed and displayed in my channel.

I am not a professional woodworker or woodturner and working with machinery can be dangerous.

It is recommended that you fully research each technique and decide for yourself what the safest possible work method is for you.
#tungwax #giveaway #winner #giveaways
#ambrosia #ambrosiamaple #liddedpot #maple #Mapletree #maplewood
#resinart #woodturning #totalboat #starbond #woodworking #bowlturning #bowlmaking #Lathe
#maker #michiganwoodturner #mittenmade #NovaGalaxiDVR #DIYwoodturning #epoxyresin #goblet #Challace #solarsystem #stars
#woodandresin #woodandepoxy #woodworker #HarborFreightPressurePot
#resincasting #DIY #diyabrasivepaste #shinejuice #CastersChoiceMicaPowder #PearlEx
#abrasivepaste #mylandssandingsealer #CactusJuice #alcoholink #pressurepot #foryou #howto #pureMichigan #woodshop #turning #penturner #woodworkinglife #woodworkingcommunity
#lathelife #turnerswarehouse #penmaker #woodturner #penturners #penturning #stickers #UVresin #thepohlbarnproductions #pohlbarn

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