Reply on Canadian Prepper's vide Alert! NORAD Over WASHINGTON in 24 Hours

1 year ago

I am sure there are.many comsiderations on NATOs recent drills but this UFO issue as happened previously was due to technological upgrades, particularly new radar system tuning that is better able to detect stealth aorcraft with smaller radar cross sections. In addition to state .actprs there a variety of private interests that may use and deploy airborn unmanned objects without transponders. That said NATOs relevance and Canada's participation in NATO has been raised by Canada as it wishes to upgrade or have capabilities such as integration when they get their f35s. And aod defence missles and modernization of the northen radar lines. The us is also seeking to integrate its new f16exsa type 4+g with f22 and f35. While it is hard to really k ow anything due to the classified nature, US forces routinely engage in training and. nothing stand out as exceptional.. in fact I think the headline today canadian prepper should have focused on wzs that us and france are telling their citizens to leave russia and belerus, this could mean more extensive closure of diplomatic staff such as consular programs or expected expansion of persona. non grata actions amd possible skeleton crewing of diplomatic missions in russia and belarus and associated increase i. hostilities or war actions. imo the sidesh ow may be to downplay the dersilment of chemical agents poisoning ohio and fall of bakhmut, as well as to change tone on nato sending main battl e tanks and practice for aor defence.operations over.... europe.. and north america

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