TRAN Ep 1 : The Real Alaska News bringing your fake news to you. Moose, water damage, fights, icetub

1 year ago

This episode covers various topics including a follow-up report on a moose killed in the Chugach mountains, how to prevent water damage to electronics when your igloo thaws in the spring, the 17th International Snowball Fight competition, and the new trend of ice hot tubs in Alaska.

The Real Alaska News giving you the fake news you want! Simply made to make you laugh and smile. If you liked it be sure to subscribe, like, share and ring that bell! If not, we are sorry, so be sure to subscribe, like, share and hit that bell too! Your mom will be glad you did. More to come with many reporters all throughout the state of Alaska! We might be fake, but we try to have fun. Be on the outlook for our next episode for more wild and crazy made up fake stories! Did I tell you that the news reports are not real and are fake? Feel free to share these made up fake news stories and share the heck out of them!

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