LINDA Moulton Howe Interview 22 12 21 44.33'

2 years ago

Linda and I caught up for a short interview, which is something of a biographical piece. We were upstairs in the Star Wars bar, amidst the noise and goings on of a busy Manchester Awakening Conference at the Bowlers Exhibition Centre on 20th July 2019. This piece somehow got lost in the files, and in my decluttering, came to light.

Linda left Stanford with a Masters Degree in Communication in 1968, prior to which she also had a deeply personal spiritual/mystical experience when she was 21, which she says has been the backdrop to her life.

Linda shares the twists and turns of her personal journey that has brought her to where she is today, along with the story of her main stream media career, as an award winning investigative journalist and TV producer. Her iconic piece that shook a lot of people, aired May 25th 1980, called A Strange Harvest, a 90 minute documentary about animal mutilation....the astonishing huge response the TV station had in response was unprecedented and had the highest ever many already knew about what she had presented....

So began a rapid education about how certain governmental forces would step in to block her continued work on the subject at every turn. She realised that the 1st Amendment and the 4th Estate element were null and void in practice. How that worked out reflects on the hugely successful, rating busting, Strange Harvest documentary, when she was barred from doing anything further on the subject, or anything like it, and after leaving that job, and going to another, with the ET subject et was clear the directive had cascaded down to all in the mainstream who would potentially employ Linda, and in time, she struck out on her own and has since carved a niche in the field, garnering respect and many followers of her work, under the banner of Earth Files.

This short interview presents an overview of an extraordinary life of a person who has followed her heart, mind and intuition. And, it all began with a need to know why the battery packs were drained - an impossibility in normal circumstances...but without them - she couldn't do her work....she had to find out...

Enjoy this glimpse into the life and times of Investigative researcher & Journalist, Lindal Moulton Howe.

Addendum: The next day - I spotted a typo in my upload and went in to redo a one word edit....only to find that my computer completely crashed just seconds before the re-save was complete.

After the weird 'crash' in which the computer made a screeching sound (like gears not meshed), it switched itself off, after compiling a list of errors - it said... and when it came back on, ALL - every single LM Howe piece was gone from my 'media bin' the place where all elements are brought together to be used in the creating of the video....this has NEVER happened before. Movavi is the editor I use, and whilst it has thrown up corrupted or a lost image or piece, when I have gone back to continue an edit, never have I seen the thorough scouring of the media bin - leaving - strangely, l thought, only the ETN and my intro piece to camera + a voice recording, because of this , I was forced to do a clumsy re-edit on the completed video, which of course means it would not be the same, because there are no longer the component parts to work with individually.....
WOW...thank goodness I had made plenty of copies of the typo finished work on, but this experience is a first.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this, with Movavi, or any other system?

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