2 years ago

10 THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW | WEEZER'S BLUE ALBUM: https://youtu.be/912HanSduSE
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Music video director Spike Jonze was chosen to work on "The Sweater Song" because he was one of the only directors who approached Weezer with a pitch that did not have anything to do with an actual sweater.

Instead, the director pitched a simple concept. Weezer in a blue room with a steadicam and a pack of dogs. The video would be filmed in one continuous shot which took over 25 takes. The take that was used was somewhere between number 15 and 20. The humor displayed by the band in the video was a byproduct of the band's frustration with doing so many takes. At one point, one of the dogs even left a "present" on Patrick Wilson's bass drum pedal.

"We couldn’t get the dogs to do what we wanted them to do. I mean it was a big room with loud music blaring so it was hard to get them to hit their marks, and you had like 15 different trainers trying to tell their dog which way to go. At one point one of the dogs came over and crapped on Pat’s drum pedal. At that point we realized this was ridiculous and we should just let everyone do whatever the fuck they wanted, dogs included, and it will be fun." - Karl Koch, UNDONE: The Complete Oral History Of Weezer, Phawker, Dec 11, 2018

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