How I Am Approaching The ii-V-I Practice

2 years ago

Hi folks just a glimpse of what I am practicing to be able to recognize target chord toimes in a ii-V-I. Here I am using Cmt-F7-BbMaj7. The post may look like I am trying to accomplish too much before learning one aspevt and moving the next; however, I did that on purpose to show you where I am and where I want to go at some point.

Right now I am really just concentrating on the arpeggios. As you cajn see I have not mastered them. Once I do, I will be playing back and forth and naming the intervals then I will incorporate the BbMaj scale to add to the arsenal, so to speak.

Again, I sort of showed you where I want to go with this so please know that I am doing this step by step and right now, I am just at the learning the arpeggios phase.

Cheers all!!!

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