The "Quitclaim" Housing Judge plays the real estate game amassing a $4 Million Dollar portfolio.

2 years ago

Here, is how the game is played. Foreclosure Judge, Neil Sherring throws Americans under the bus and evicts them from their homes IGNORING fraudulently recorded documents, as he and his law partner and wife, Yoshika, buy up real property for 50-60 cents on the dollar. The Oriole Road Property was purchased for $450,000 on 1/4/2016 and he and his law partner mortgaged it for $825,000 on the same day. They later flipped it for a mere $435,000 in profit, really???? Clouds on Title/Defects/Gaps in the chain of assignments will never be a problem for Conflicted Judges, not when there is "Self Enrichment" to be had. Traitor.
WylerOne Investigative News Exclusive

This video was transmitted to FinCen, TIGTA and DOJ on February 13, 2023.

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