BOWN NOISE - 6 HRS w/Calm Art & Ocean Imagery - Rest, Meditate, Relax & Sleep -Black Screen at 1Hour

2 years ago

What Is Brown Noise?

Brown noise's low, deep tones have gained popularity for its soothing, comforting "earthy" sounds. Many claim that it improves sleep, concentration and relaxation which are simple benefits achieved by simply listening while sleeping...

Brown noise is one classification of noise “color.” Each color represents long-lasting patterns of noise frequencies that we can hear, ranging from 20 to 20,000 hertz.

“White noise has equal energy at all frequencies. To us, it sounds like radio static," explains Anahita Mehta, a researcher who studies sound pitch at the Kresge Hearing Research Institute at the University of Michigan. "Pink noise has more energy in low frequency ranges compared to the high ranges. It sounds lower than white noise. Examples would be rainfall or traffic."

Other noise colors include blue and violet, which have more energy in very high frequencies, like the sound of a snake hissing or steam leaking from a pipe.

THEN...there’s "Brown Noise". It’s technically classified as red noise, but the epithet comes from the way it’s produced: Its sound signals change randomly to produce the sound of static, mimicking a type of erratic movement pattern, called “Brownian Motion,” named after Scottish botanist Robert Brown.

“Brown noise has even fewer high frequencies than white or pink noise, and you’ll recognize it as a lower sound,” Mehta says. “Examples would be the deep roar of an ocean wave crashing or thunder rolling."

(*Portions of Description from; Article Source: USN (U.S. News & World Report; 11/22)

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In fact, there are no coincidences and accidents — there’s only synchronicity, and everything happens for a reason. The truth is, everything in our life is linked. From the past, to the present and future — every single "coincidence", happenstance or accident we stumble upon is linked. No matter how small or big of a movement is, it is all about synchronicity. Don't believe me still...? Watch the movie Serendipity with John Cusack...I'm just saying, perhaps there's a reason you coincidentally stumbled upon my page and my content found you for a help soothe your body, mind and soul.
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