The Real, Fine Energy of Human Sexual Love- to Save the World!

2 years ago

For all of my beautiful Valentines : yes for You and You!
This very special, exciting, informative, loving video was made especially for you!
We have been taught many things over the millennia, none more important than the suppression of our natural , divine, Source-energy (God given) power: Kari Star and I talk fine energies- the real true connection between a man and a woman when the heart is activated between them, in their daily lives and their love-making. -Such a joy to speak about information which should be second nature to us and our growing adults. Love truly does make the world go round- no wonder every power of control has sought to hide it from us.

Now go away and listen to it and enjoy your beautiful day celebrating LOVE:

Kari Star's links to her books and facebook Page are here:

Revolutionary Leaders: Extraordinary Humans Creating Epic Change On Earth

and you can visit my website here, to find all of my books for adults, for children and my courses and music:

The Heavenly Tea:

Conversations to prepare us for a free world in the luxurious form of a tea-party. Traditionally world-changing conversations would be held over a cup of tea…. we will be indulging in a moment of calm to chew over some of life’s mysterious conundrums- all in favour of increasing all of our personal expression.

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