Ep. 151 My State of the Union

2 years ago

In this episode, I cover the consequences of corporate forays into politics, Tony Fauci admitting the obvious, and I give my view on the state of our union.

web: livingwithlibertypodcast.com
email: ryan@livingwithlibertypodcast.com

DeSantis will now run the Disney district: https://apnews.com/article/ron-desantis-politics-florida-state-government-us-republican-party-0d8b991be45a387bd6e71f62ee0ed5c4
Fauci says covid and flu jabs don't work well: https://www.theepochtimes.com/fauci-says-covid-19-and-influenza-vaccines-dont-work-well-calls-for-improved-shots_5040175.html

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