Zombos' Closet [Official Website]

2 years ago

Zombos' Closet [Official Website]
Welcome to From Zombos' Closet, a rather dark and cloying place (for a blog, that is), filled with untold treasures and just plain lousy stuff Zombos keeps stuffing into it. You remember Zombos, don’t you? He's the monsterkid in all of us, yearning to be scared and to scare.
He pines for the old, less gory days, but secretly enjoys those zombies and slashers, and cool horror shows on television, that go far beyond what came before. Within these pages you will find all the horror to savor and detest, monster magazines to drool over, and assorted odds and ends that every monsterkid has stuffed into his or her closet at one time or another.
Okay, sure, my closet, to be precise, is pretty well stuffed, too.
So many horrors, so little time to be terrified; frightful, isn’t it?
As a horror fan starting in the 1960s, I grew up in Brooklyn with three theaters in walking distance (the Loew's Oriental and the Benson on 86th Street were my favorites). Many weekends and many nights were spent watching horror and sci fi movies (my mom would take me to the horror movies, and my dad took me to the sci fi ones). My first true scare was watching Night of the Living Dead (I was way too young for that!). My fondest memories are watching all those wonderfully good (and some frightfully awful) movies on my local NYC channels , hosted by either Zacherley or the Creep, and eating way too much sugar-loaded cereal on Saturday mornings while I watched Scooby Doo, The Monster Squad, and Groovie Ghoulies.
So you can see how I'd turn into a horror fan with a blog. Scary, isn't it?
From the old to the new in horror movies in reviews and views, here and there you will also meet up with these curious characters in those reviews, along with their sundry adventures. Chalk it up to the cheeky writer side of me.


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