Bad Modern Covers of Great Old Songs FFS

2 years ago

Earlier today I heard an atrocious modern version of the classic hit song "Kiss on My List" originally recorded by Hall & Oates in 1980.

This boring tasteless cover had some bland woman singing with zero energy, zero character, and she was even copying Darryl Hall's ad libs verbatim. Terrible! Not only did it NOT come close to the quality of the original recording, but it was grating and annoying to hear such a BAD version of such a great hit song.

Want to know why bad cover songs are recorded and released these days? Two reasons: 1. Modern songwriters aren’t able to write songs that are as good as classic hit songs, and 2. The record companies simply want to make as much money as possible rehashing old songs that they own the rights to.

Art is ruined while huge companies make millions.



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