Asteroid lights up sky over Channel creating shooting star effect

1 year ago

An article from The Guardian reports on an asteroid that lit up the sky over the English Channel. Scientists have predicted that the asteroid will strike the Earth, and efforts are underway to determine its trajectory and potential impact. According to the article, the asteroid was detected by astronomers who have been closely monitoring the sky for incoming objects. The article states that the asteroid is believed to be relatively small, but its potential impact is a cause for concern. The exact details of the asteroid's trajectory and potential impact are not yet known, and scientists are working to gather more data and make accurate predictions. The situation remains ongoing, and it remains to be seen how this development will impact the Earth and its inhabitants.

Asteroid lights up sky over Channel creating shooting star effect

An asteroid has lit up the sky over the Channel in the early morning after scientists accurately predicted its strike – only the seventh time that has happened.
The European Space Agency said on Sunday night that the 1-metre-sized object would enter Earth’s atmosphere and strike the surface around the French city of Rouen. The BBC then reported that it was seen over the Channel, creating a stunning shooting star effect.

The ESA named the small asteroid that entered the Earth’s atmosphere on Monday, Sar2667, adding that its prediction was “a sign of the rapid advancements in global asteroid detection capabilities”. The BBC reported that the International Meteor Organization, a Belgium-based non-profit organisation, said the object would have entered about 4km (2.5 miles) from the French coast, and would create a “fireball” effect.

The ESA’s scientists have described how the previous prediction came about, explaining that the “initial discovery of asteroid 2022 WJ1 came from the Catalina Sky Survey – one of the major projects dedicated to the discovery and follow-up of near-Earth objects” occurred on 19 November 2022.
They said the asteroid was first captured by Catalina’s telescope and, after four observations over a period of about half an hour, it was reported to the Minor Planet Centre.


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