White House wants you to think ETs are involved in the UFOs sightings by dismissing this

1 year ago

Its reverse psychology. The White House knows no one trusts them especially because they have said they havent recovered any debries from the 3 UFOs shot down, meaning everyone will doubt the White House, including the fact that they say: No ETs are involved. This doesnt mean ETs are actually involved just that the White House wants you to think they are by doing reverse psychology. In reality, the White House wants people addicted to their new script, thinking that we will search this endless subject and want answers from them. The goal is exactly that, to create a state of confusion of uncertainty in order for the people to look for explanations and demand the government give them something, thus the shadow government will control a new narative.
Full disclosure will never happen. Share this video.
All the UFOs seen there are a distraction to cover for the real news.
It might very well be project bluebeam instead of UFOs. The tech is there, including HAARP.
HAARP is a frequency weapon similar to 5G tech but much more powerfull. Aulterra devices for protection against 5G and wifi, which became necesarry in these days can be found at this link: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/HOUSEUSB/AUL651/ Come with us on the free energy telegram group and lets build ourselves a new system based on free energy: https://t.me/FreeEnergyTelegram
Remember they have a technology called Project Blue Beam👌

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