Mosquito Control Franchises - Industry Overview

6 years ago

Franchising is not just food anymore! Today we explore the viability of owning a Mosquito control franchise and how to choose the best one.
Mosquito control franchises offer mosquito and tick control services to commercial and residential clients.
There are several things we like about these service based franchises in general compared to traditional brick and mortar franchises. Service based franchises can be operated from a home or small office vs a storefront. So right away you have lower cost of entry, lower overhead and operational costs, and business flexibility that you dont have with a store or restaurant. Now as a general rule of thumb if you have $150,000 or less to invest total we suggest buyers consider looking at service based franchises instead or storefront brick and mortar shops. People who have sufficient capital a restaurant is fine, but many people try and start these brick and mortar business with too little money and end up having to close up if anything goes wrong. Most of the service based franchises are operated from a home or small office so right away you aren't paying expensive monthly rent, are typically dealing with fewer employees, lower taxes and a number of other benefits.
Global weather patterns have been changing to warmer and wetter weather which greatly increases the number of mosquito's and ticks. And because a good argument makes the comments section even better - Let us know down below if you think global warming is human made or just a natural phenomenon. But for whatever reason the number of mosquito is increasing and along with it comes mosquito vectored diseases.
The American Mosquito Control Association states that over one million people a year still die from mosquito borne diseases. And while most of those are outside the USA it is a sobering statistic nonetheless and outlines the seriousness of mosquito. A little known fact up until the 1950's the USA also suffered from substantial numbers of Malaria outbreaks and deaths. Today we have growing concerns with Zika and west Nile virus and public perception seems to be increasing regarding these mosquito dangers. As such we do expect mosquito control services to experience increasing demand in the coming years. Heres an interesting chart showing the decline from the 1920's to the 1940's starting at about 400 cases per 100,000 population. Back then the government used DDT to eliminate mosquito which is now a banned pesticide based on its harmful effects including cancer, infertility, liver damage and and persistent environmental effects. Most people today when they think DDT they think the worst poison imaginable, but in the 50's trucks would come through the city streets and kids would literally run behind it playing in the DDT spray.
So here we have three comparisons of top mosquito control franchise brands. One of the things we often help our clients put together is a comparative analysis graph. So what we would be looking at right out of the gate is a graph like this outlining total investment, territory size, advertising cost, royalties and more. This is just a basic chart, the one we use goes into greater detail but you see here we have 3 mosquito brands outlining the franchise fee, total investment, when they opened, how much their royalties are and how many locations they have.
Now these videos we make take a very general perspective. In your own specific market you will have variables such as the seasonality,you'll have different results in Michigan and Florida particularly with mosquito control. competition, are there already independent contractors and other franchises? market saturation, demographics - do the people living in your territory suit the ideal profile of the customers. Do they spend a lot of time outside? Which company might relate to the demographic? Another consideration is which company has the "greenest" option? Being eco friendly is important to a lot of people and can help you to close more deals.

All of these factors are highly individual to your specific situation - and every case is different. Many people have a simplistic perception there is one "best franchise" for everyone. Absolutely not true.
So those are just a few quick general tips. For anyone seriously looking at franchises by all means call us we help people avoid big mistakes every day and once we know your specific situation there is a lot more tools available. Plus its free so anyone buying a franchise on their own is increasing their risk needlessly. Dont forget to like and subscribe.

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