Episode #8 ETN's Latte Lounge 30 June 2020 hosted by Joanna - Super brain yoga, protection from EMF

2 years ago

Episode #8 30th June 2020
Joanne starts the show with information about Super Brain Yoga, that have been shown to give incredible results with a 1-5 minutes technique; an ancient Indian technique to improve brain function. A similar technique comes from Germany’s Dr Manfred Doepp, De-switching that helps to clear ‘electro smog’/EMF pollution in the brain.

Pat shares a Horse story or two, communication and animal consciousness, then a St Francis of Assisi channelled poem. Penny discusses new opportunities for new communities, nutritionally created higher frequencies and insights with channelled information from Magenta Pixie’s new book, as well as talking about the importance of exercising the humorous in us, to find joy and laughter which is a healing, energy boosting process, which raised the human frequencies.

Another super cornucopia of fascinating insights into short, effective modalities that can bring incredible benefit to most. Try them out and let us know how it works for you.

Lessons from a Living Lemuria: Balancing Karma through Nutrition for Ascension Paperback – 2 Feb. 2020

Pleasant Quantum Rise - From survivability to THRIVEability
For those who want to check out Pam Ayres work

Super Brain Yoga

Dr Manfred Doepp


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