Episode #6 ETN's Latte Lounge 16th June 2020

2 years ago

Disclaimer: no one in the Latte Lounge discussions has medical training, though there is training of other methodologies. The opinions expressed are shared as first hand experience in the main, with testimonials given to illustrate a point. I hope you will have a better health experience by taking on board and or sharing this information. This goes for all episodes.

Every thing discussed has been tried and good benefit has been experienced by all in the chat, and the sharing of these easy to use tools, may help you out of some very unpleasant health issues.

In Episode #6 of the Latte Lounge, JOANNA shares insights into how she uses Hydrogen peroxide H202, which she has done over the many years, and its benefits. She also uses it diluted with deionised water, in small spray bottle, such as you get in travel goods, as this method of taking it, she has found to be the most effective and beneficial. She introduces the viewer to her method of taking it, followed by discussion and further experiences of its use with her usual guests, PAT BYRNE and PENNY ARNOLD. Whilst there are other ways to take H202, like adding a drop or so in juice etc., taking it orally in a spray form has been the more effective, but try whatever might work best for you.

Homoeopathy is used in an instance of infection, along with topical use of Raw Honey. PENNY shares a great idea, that is a home made SALT PIPE which she demonstrates, and if you suffer from asthma or bronchial issues, this may help as it has a fabulous effect on the lungs, helping to keep them clear, and mucus at the right consistency.

PAT shares a channelling from St Francis of Assisi in relation to our relationship with animals, which is beautiful and relevant. She also talks about her use of homoeopathy for a recent infection issue, and the role of RAW HONEY, and the effects she has experienced from it. Not to mention The Angel in the Kitchen!

PENNY has honed her own brand of cosmic/galactic dowsing in which she is able to extrapolate information often expressed in degrees of relevance or existence on just about every single aspect of human experience you could imagine and not only relating to humans. Her work has developed to an extraordinary level, and incorporates dimensions, layers, drilling down to health and with incredible precision. She shares and discusses an in depth reading she did for Joanna, in late November 2019, (with permission), to illustrate the reality of the work, and the levels it reaches. A fascinating subject and insight...

As usual this hour + show covers a lot of marvellous ways of working with and for your health, but as always, it needs you to be pro active, and to decide to do something about any issue that comes up, and look to see if there is an alternative way to address what ever that may be rather than go down the alopathic route as the first port of call.

Quantum Healing by Stephen Linsteadt

Honey As Medicine - Ruth Tan

Path of Empowerment - Barbara Marciniak

Magazine mentioned is New Zealand's NATURAL MEDICINE and an article on serious issues regarding lack of magnesium

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