BKP on Football, Unidentified Objects, SB57 Sports Betting, GA GOP Chair

2 years ago

BKP talks football. The commercials last night were all about electric vehicles. Most expensive super bowl ad was $7M. Why doesn’t the NFL unite the country rather than trying to continue to divide the country?

Tesla competitor funds Super Bowl ad to ban self driving vehicles.

Why now is the Biden Administration shooting down unidentified objects? They are not telling us unless they are asked. If there were balloons in the air during the Trump administration, Trump wasn’t told about it. The Military has shot down 3 unidentified objects.

SB 57 - 58 page bill - Georgia Sports Betting Integrity Act. If we do not have organized crime operating in GA today, this bill will guarantee that we have organized crime operating in GA. This bill creates the GA state government as organized crime.

Fetterman is supposed to be out of the hospital. He did not have another stroke.

David Shafer is not running for GOP chair. There are 3 that are running for GOP chair in GA. Currently Rebecca Yardley, Dennis Futch, Josh McKoons

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