Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem on Crypto Currencies and a B of C Digital Currency

2 years ago

Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem on Crypto Currencies and a B of C Digital Currency in year end remarks to the BC Business Council on December 12, 2022 T Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem on Crypto Currencies and a B of C Digital Currency in year end remarks to the BC Business Council on December 12, 2022 The full video is well worth listening to if only to learn where the Bank of Canada fells our economy was last year and where they plan to direct the economy of the country going forward. A couple of remarks jumped out at me as worthy of special note. I have not seen these comments in the main stream media. The first is around the 13 minute point when the governor opines on his view for why the rise in global populism and many nations turning inwards. The governor notes a number of factors in the last 20 years have kept inflation low while fostering an increase in productivity. He also opines the failure to adequately share the growth in productivity has resulted in a rise of populism. I see rthose comments as in the area of promoting socialisim - a very unusual comment to make to a business council.
The last part of the video features a conversation with Jock Finlayson, Senior Policy Advisor at the Business Council of British Columbia (BCBC), And the last question from Jock is in regards to digital currency. The answer includes a brief comment on the current trend of cyrpto currencies which he notes are not the same as a Central Bank Digital Currency.
The Bank of Canada is in the last stages of preparing to introduce a digital currency in Canada; one of the last steps will be for the government of Canada to pass and enact enabling legislation. As part of the preparation to implement a digital currency in Canada the bank is planning to “consult with Canadians on their views on Digital currency. He also notes the demand for printed cash is on the increase in Canada – for me that appears the Canadian citizens have and are expressing their views - they want our economy to be based on physical cash. The people are speaking, Bank of Canada are you listening?
Recently a news report notes United Kingdom Prepares To Introduce A ‘Digital Pound’ Central Bank Digital Currency is on the verge of a digital economy, this is a trend globally with many countries on the verge of a digital economy. Another way to describe this trend is countries globally (including Canada)are well under way to use a digital currency as an early step to deprive the global population of their freedom and liberty as an early step in the global progression to a social credit score where the government/deep-state can de-list one as a person or control what they eat and where they go.
How can the progression to a digital curreny loss of freedom be stopped - if it is not too late?
Use Cash where and when ever possible. Don’t leave a digital trail that global cabal can use to track and follow your every movement and even who you associate with.

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