14Feb23 Could "Chemical Chernobyl" Happen in YOUR Town? Govt's Passive/Aggressive UFO Deception

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Not Just Ohio: Clear/Present Danger of Rail Infrastructure. The volume of toxic & explosive chemical being shipped plus a decaying infrastructure where equipment failures and derailments are escalating is an important facet of the disaster 2:08

Both Smithsonian Air & Space Museum AND the National Archives where Bill of Rights and Constitution are preserved — through people out who were wearing unoffensive apparel with mild Pro-Life statements 29:47

NFL & Military continue to use and abuse Pat Tillman. Here’s what happened to him and the lies being told. 36:15

Rancher arrested for shooting Mexican national, tells his side of the story. He says the man he shot was part of a trafficking gang as he's being held for $1 MILLION in bail 42:12

Trump escalates his campaign with 2 new nicknames for DeSantis, putting "America First", right? 48:09

How banning Hollywood from Russia created record box office revenue in the country. Why are we letting Hollywood rewrite the stories of our past to destroy our culture and country with degeneracy? 51:52

Mississippi Republicans kill vaccine religious exemption bill for school kids. 1:10:24

House Republicans press the Pentagon for answers on vaccine mandate reversal. 1:22:03

Biometric ID From Birth — To Track VAX Status. Around the world programs are surfacing to get biometric ID of children FROM BIRTH — for the stated purpose of tracking their vaccination status. Guess which country has the MOST required vaccines 1:29:02

What's behind the Feds both pushing and denying UFOs were shot down? 1:32:48

How can we not say that there’s some kind of a distraction or deception in order here? 1:44:57

Reagan's infatuation with UFO as justification for unifying the world in speeches he gave at the UN and elsewhere 1:54:08

GunOwners of America, NRA, 26 states join lawsuit to stop new ATF brace registration rule. 1:59:11

Climate mob turns on one of its own from the Obama administration who wrote a book — "Unsettled". 2:18:10

Windmill failures are on the uptick across the world — falling over, falling apart 2:23:57

Whistleblower in transgender clinic kicks off investigation of horrific abuse of minors. Why is this NOT a crime? 2:38:50

Targeted for Destruction: Suburbs & Single Family Homes. Biden demands EVERY local government report on "equity" and housing with the intention of destroying local zoning laws and putting high density, low-income housing in everywhere for "equity" 2:52:09

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