2 years ago

Evidence Suggests BioNTech and Pfizer Falsified Key Data.

Investigative Journalist, Sonia Elijah discovered emails in which regulators were highly concerned about the quality of the vaccine as they noted a significant drop in RNA integrity levels of the commercial large scale batches of the vaccine which dropped down to 55% in the commercial levels compared to 78% in the clinical batches.

RNA Integrity Levels are indicators of potential efficacy. So, Pfizer lowered the clinical standards when they noticed this could be a problem. That is called "Faking the Science", you change necessary variables in order to meet desired outcomes. Yes, that is cheating.

What people NEED to know is that the so-called Regulators -- "FDA"and "EMA"is in bed with Pfizer and Moderna and they were going to make this look good NO Matter how much they had to Fudge the Numbers.

This vax could have been Horse Piss - they were going to make the "science" fit one way or another. *Horse piss would have probably been much safer.

It appears they fudged the Western Blot Test - protein separation test - they actually COPIED and PASTED certain bands. This is a MAJOR no no, a Felony no, no.

What is just as criminal is the regulators accepted OBVIOUS Fraudulent Western Blot Data.

So, you have BOTH the Phara Pfizer BioNtech and the Regulators committing felonies. This is like a wealthy prominent murderer paying off the Jury and Judge.

There are also unexplained impurities in the vaxcines, they are completely foreign, so we have absolutely NO idea what kind of sh*t are in them.

These murdering population control tyrants are still pushing the Booster jabs and want to add them to the yearly schedule with the flu vax.

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