ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL on the State of the Union Adress

2 years ago

The State of the Union - Is the disruptions during the State of the Union ok? MTG calling Joe Biden a liar? But if she doesn’t then maybe the conversations would go around the issues.

Social Security and Medicare are on the table. It’s a shell game and there are fixes. Social security money gets put into the general fund. GW Bush talked about people having more control over social security, but it wouldn’t happen because the government loses control and they can’t borrow against it. They don’t want to touch the behemoths bureaucracies to ensure social security and medicare are funded.

Joe for President ads are out. Finish the Job is his campaign slogan. Was the State of the Union his campaign speech or Joe just enjoys hearing himself talk.

Joe goes to WI the day after the State of the Union address. There was a lot of talk out there that Joe would be a one term president. There is a block of democrats out there that understood that Joe would only be one term.

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