YouTube Censorship, ATF Brace Rule, and Assault Weapons Ban

1 year ago

Today I am doing something a little different. Not because I want to but because it is my duty as a freedom loving American to stand up for what I believe in. I will discuss Youtube's censorship of suppressor content, the ATF pistol brace ruling, and the remarks of the president during his state of the union speech to, "Ban assault weapons now."

The 2nd Amendment is the only standing between us being free men vs subjects. It is our duty to peacefully gather and join with our brothers and sisters to defend the last of our remaining gun rights. It is no longer enough to leave it to groups like the GOA or FPC. The the politicians an unelected bureaucrats of this great nation must understand it is the will of the people to retain and regain our Second Amendment, constitutional, God-given rights. We cannot continue to be striped of our freedoms for the illusion of safety.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below. I am hopeful that our community can come together peacefully and express ourselves in a way that grows our community for many generations to come.

What is happening all you sexy YouTube Warriors?! Thank you for stopping by the channel today and checking out the video! If you like this video please subscribe to the channel and let me know that you want to see more videos like this in the future! If it's your first time to the channel, thank you so much for stopping by! And for all my return viewers... THANK YOU for your LOYALTY you sexy YouTube Warriors!!! You guys are the real MVP's!

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