We Are Entering a Season of Suddenlies [Prophetic Word]

2 years ago

Robert Hotchkin shares a prophetic word on this new season we're entering into.
▶▶Realms of Power by Robert Hotchkin [Book & 3-CDs]: http://bit.ly/3K0S8vE
▶▶Realms of Power by Robert Hotchkin [Digital Download]: http://bit.ly/3jE0leO

The power of God unto salvation starts at home.

Robert Hotchkin reminds us that the Gospel of the Kingdom is a gospel of power — something the world desperately needs. Straight out of Scripture, Robert demonstrates that God’s plan has always been to bring Heaven to Earth. You are part of that plan starting in your own home.

Robert’s new book, Realms of Power, is your wakeup call. It describes what you are authorized to do as a believer. Robert says that you are God’s point of contact with fallen humanity. That means your hands are His hands, and in “Jesus crucified” they hold the power to…

🔥 Shift atmospheres
🔥 Activate faith
🔥 Initiate decrees
🔥 Call down favor/release wealth
🔥 Establish daily forgiveness as a lifestyle…

…as Holy Spirit leads. And as you grow, also…

🔥 Renew unity
🔥 Call in the spirit of repentance
🔥 Work miracles
🔥 Activate tongues
🔥 Renew righteousness
🔥 Open gates of thanksgiving

Faith without works is dead, dead, dead! No power!
Robert points out God’s power is more about His compassion (goodness) than religious works. He urges you to remember your First Love in simple, spontaneous ways, whether it’s for family salvation or outside your own four walls. That is representing God’s power. Robert’s 3-CD/audio series, How to Access the Realms of Power, includes:

🔥 What is the substance of Faith?
🔥 Wake up to who you are!
🔥 You have everything you need – use it!

God is gracious beyond anything you can imagine. Robert’s keys help you say ‘yes’ from your heart and learn to move in power.

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