Emergency Broadcast Live from Istanbul

2 years ago

The Two Mikes go live with our contacts in Turkey where there are more than 200K people still under the rubble, from the 7.8 magnitude earthquakes, which have collapsed over 1500 buildings.

Please go to our blog for more information on how you can help contribute to helping in this humanitarian crises:


Thoughts and prayers for the devastated people of Turkey.

“Listening to Two Mikes will make you smarter!”
- Gov Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr


CARES Act Stimulus
(COVID-19) Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERC): https://www.jornscpa.com/snap/?refid=11454757
Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ 
EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes
Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com


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