Earthquake | Armenia Azerb | Lavrov | EU Mission | Polls | Yerevan Politics | Ep 224 - Feb 12, 2023

2 years ago

ANN Groong Week in Review - Feb 12, 2023

* Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
* Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
* FM Lavrov’s Interview to Russian Media
* EU vs CSTO Missions
* Shifting Public Perceptions
* Political Shuffles in Yerevan

* Benyamin Poghosyan - TW/@Benyamin_Poghos

* Hovik Manucharyan TW/@HovikYerevan
* Asbed Bedrossian TW/@qubriq

00:00 Intro to show
00:28 Topics
01:07 Intro to Guest - Benyamin Poghosyan
01:25 Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
02:53 What are the pro & con arguments to helping
07:12 How does Erdogan’s political math change?
12:10 Does Russia/Turkey Balance of interdependency change
13:44 Lavrov’s interview in the AM/AZ conflict
16:50 Can Artsakh Armenians remain as Azerbaijani Armenians?
20:36 On EU and CSTO Missions to Armenian borders
23:17 What would keep the Russians around Artsakh?
24:48 Can it even be called a “peace agreement”?
30:25 What options does Armenian gov have?
33:54 What is the choice between the EU vs the CSTO Missions
39:00 Can the EU Mission freeze the conflict?
40:49 Pashinyan’s “rationale” for the EU Mission
45:12 MPG poll shows evolving public views on Russia
49:05 How the Artsakh Blockade has affected perceptions
51:38 Poll shows: Artsakhtsis can be left a minority in Azerbaijan
52:45 What’s the extreme Yerevan political shuffle about?
56:42 Benyamin’s - Heightened Russian activity in Armenia
57:52 Hovik: Armenian government stonewalling Armenian media
59:05 Closing comment

Episode 224 | Recorded: February 12, 2023

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