Extraordinary Rescue Of Woman Pulled Alive From Rubble After Six Days Trapped 2

2 years ago

This is the amazing moment Spanish firefighters pull a woman alive from rubble six days after the Turkey earthquake.

The team of firefighters and volunteers had travelled to quake-ravaged Turkey from Spain's Madrid Region to help with rescue missions.

And their efforts came to fruition when they pulled a woman alive from a collapsed building after she spent more than 144 hours under tonnes of steel and concrete.

Annika Coll of ERICAM (Emergency and Immediate Response of the Community of Madrid) told media in Spain: "We were called because some construction workers heard noises."

The trapped woman was located and, following a complicated rescue operation, was pulled from the rubble.

Dr Ester Armela, who participated in the rescue, said: "This was a miracle."

When the woman was brought above ground, said the medic, "she was breathing spontaneously, like she was during the entire time she was buried".

The doctor continued: "For three hours we were giving her medication, first intramuscularly and then intraosseously into her arm."

Once the woman was brought up from beneath the wreck on a stretcher, she was taken to hospital "with very good vital signs".

The 50-year-old survivor - who has not been named - is now said to be recovering in hospital and was last reported to be in a stable condition.

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Pazarcik, Kahramanmaras Province, at 4.17am on 6th February. It was felt in nine more Turkish provinces.

Later that day, at 1.24pm, a 7.6-magnitude quake hit Elbistan, Kahramanmaras Province, and was followed by 2,724 aftershocks.

As per the latest update by the Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency, 31,643 have died and more than 80,000 are injured in Turkey.

Along with the casualties in northern Syria, more than 35,000 people are confirmed dead.

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